Tuesday 26 July 2016

Living Wholeheartedly

Colossians 3:23-24 Whatever you do, do it wholeheartedly as though you were working for your real master (God) and not merely for humans . . . your real master (God), whom you are serving. We all live in this lifestyle that we created of work, keeping up with our home and family, eating and sleeping and for the most part we get it done! Occasionally, however, it wears us down and we tend to not be engaged wholeheartedly. I know for myself sometimes life/work/home can be a chore. I have a fantastic job where I get to play with children and watch them succeed in doing things they previously couldn’t do, that’s not the whole job description but it’s an important part of it. And my side job is marrying people. Getting to be part of someone’s special day is really an honor. Both jobs are rewarding and at the end of the day I’m thankful for them. Occasionally I can’t see the forest through the trees, I’m tried and “wholeheartedly” seems like a really big task! It’s easy when you do repetitive work to become the walking dead and not change things up. Those are the days I need to be reminded of Colossians Chapter 3. You can probably relate! You just never know whose heart you can touch when you’re willing, regardless of how you feel, to do your job/life wholeheartedly. Wholeheartedly with enthusiasm putting the extra shot of joy in there. This “wholeheartedness” really doesn’t just apply to our job it should apply to all aspects of our life. A quote I’ve posted before from TobyMac #SPEAKLIFE says it perfect, “the most important work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home.” This must mean that we should interact with our significant other, our children and our friends wholeheartedly, with enthusiasm with that extra shot of joy. Some days that is easier said than done. It’s one thing to tell a person to go the extra mile when it’s a job they are being paid for but it’s a whole other dynamic when you say go the extra mile with those annoying kids you helped create that are acting just like YOU or worse the OTHER parent! And what about that significant other who is really annoying you? And your friend they don’t need much attention do they, they will always be around right? I say take a breath (or ten I’m not here to judge) step up and go the extra mile with joy. We live in a day where we are easily captivated by gaming, YouTube videos, checking and posting on Social Media, texting etc. 99% of us have our hand held mini computers known as our phones on us all the time. If you’re reading this the chances are high you’re reading it on your phone. I know we have heard it over and over again but it really rings true when we look at this scripture. In a day and age where we can be captivated by so much don’t we need to be into our family and friend interactions wholeheartedly, with enthusiasm and with that extra shot of joy? Then there is God. Serving and worshiping God should be something we want to do wholeheartedly. Basically when it comes to the God factor wholeheartedly with enthusiasm and an extra shot of joy is truly a must. Other faiths have very strict rules when serving God we North American Christian believers are often lazy in our faith. We know we are awesome and God loves us, I mean why wouldn’t He right?? He is full of grace and mercy so we can just sit back and enjoy that. And often sadly we become the walking dead in our relationship with Him. Doing our weekly duties as “good believers.” Keeping the Ten Commandments and going to church on Sunday. When in reality God wants a close intimate relationship with us just as we should want to have with Him. We need to learn to come into His presence wholeheartedly on a regular base. Matthew 22:37 Jesus answered him, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This little message speaks to me as a reminder to be that person who people remember for their enthusiasm. May we be a generation who steps up to do things wholeheartedly! I will leave you with this final scripture: Psalm 71:14a As for me, I will always have hope! May we always have hope that we will be better today than we were yesterday. And may we live our lives wholeheartedly so that we will grow and touch other’s lives as well

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